Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tying up Loose Ends

Upon returning the the college, I discovered the wall of power had pushed out far beyond its walls, and demonic manifestations were occuring all over. People in town were in a panic, many packing up as if to leave in a hurry.  The college itself was enveloped in a swirl of impenetrable energy.  I threw fire, electricity and ice but to no avail.  I decided to try out the staff I had retrieved but had my doubts.  Surprisingly the staff of Magnus drained off the shell separating us from the walls.

Inside, Arcano was tapping directly into the power of the orb.  He was imperious to attacks of the gift and steel.  Not even Glamdring seemed to be able to harm him.  Then I though perhaps if the staff could drain the power of the orb, it would weaken him enough for the other mages to take him down.  It worked. 
Then mysteriously after the battle was over, mages of the Psijic order appeared out of nowhere, claimed our land was now safe, took the orb and dissapeared before I could to anything about it.  And they most certainly recognized me for who I was calling me "Archmage".  The secret was now out. The mages looked at me with wonder then understanding... so this is what happened to the Archmage of the Citadel and the hero of Bruma and the slayer of Martin.

So I had to tell the story of what happened in those final moments that Martin transformed himself into a dragon to battle the demon who had made his way into the world.  Of how I was taken captive and falsely charged and brought north to be imprisioned in Helgen only to be freed of all things by a dragon. I shared that I had thought perhaps the dragon was Martin, but that now I was beginning to think that something more sinister and dangerous was occuring, perhaps connected to the orb. 

And I pondered, that perhaps with the orb gone, the portal or source that was giving rise to the return of dragons might be gone as well.  The crisis might be over.

The remaining mages, Mira was killed, came to me later that evening and named me the head of the College of Winterhold.     I told them that Mira was not the only casualty, that J'Zarga had been killed helping me to retrieve the staff.  We held a memorial service in the name of the All Father the next morning.

Before departing I helped a young dark elf with some work she had been tweaking.  It was an experience to say the least, but I know she is a better mage for it now.  And her loyalty is certain.

I grabbed FAen and we headed back to Whiterun via Dawnstar.  Did a bit of smith work there and made Faen several keen blades. 

Before we could depart we were attacked by a dragon.  So I suppose if the orb was involved, that whatever it opened remains open.  These dragons are not just showing up out of nowhere.

 The entire town turned out to fight the beast, and still it was stubborn and didn't want to die.

Back in Winterrun the holy ladies of Kenereth encouraged me to help them secure sap to save a healing tree, supposedly descended from the tree of life itself.  She said a necessary tool had been stolen and was rumoured to be held at a place called Orphan Rock.  I had heard it was near Helgen.  Didn't take Faen and I too long to find it.  We discovered a Stromcloak camp over looking the site. They were kind enough to allow us to remain there until dark even though we are not rebels ourselves.  We had to deal with two women deeply twisted by evil magic and their summoned minions, but not too difficult as we got the slip on them in the dark.

We returned to town, making a stop at the Meadery for a drink and meal.  The holy lady of Kenerth gave me the secret location to a special sanctuary, which I will not share.   We were accompanied by a disciple of Kenereth by the name of Maurice, who promptly dissapeared when we saw a dragon in the distance near the mist marsh.  Bloody dragon saw us and Faen and I had to kill it.  I was deeply wounded as it breathed out its last and was in the process of healing myself when it died.  I don't know if this is why, but this time the dragon did not burn upon death and I did not absorb power from it.

 It was incredible.  Beautiful and deadly, thanks to my decision.  The sacred tree was protecting itself and the only way to approach was to cut back its  roots with the blade taken from Orphan rock.  But the tree reacted strongly and sent forth Spriggans to defend itself.  Faen and I handled them fine, but the pilgrims that had been there were not so lucky.  I found them all dead.  I didn't even know their names.  With a measure of guilt I remembered the warning of one of them when I had shared I was going to try to reach the tree. "Don't harm the tree" she said.

I needed some time to myself after the sanctuary, so we stopped by Dragon Falls.  Besides I wanted to check that the wards were holding and the weapons placed inside were safe. All was well, at least at Dragon Falls.

By the 7th of Evening Star we had returned to Whiterun and I had passed the sap on.  I spent some time smithing some higher quality weapons according to the design of the smith Jassus, whose designs my mentor at the Sky Forge had up his sleeve.  And as my gift comes alive again I notice Glamdring grows stronger as well.

That afternoon we began the first leg of my intended journey back south, to revisit the Labyrnth and its mysteries.  Evening lights pulled us toward the cottage of Dolas, but the sound of a dragon had us diving for shadows.  It was circling ruins to the northwest, and these were not part of the Labyrinth.  Don't know what they were.

Dragons must have a keen sense of smell or can see any movement because it wasn't long before the beast was upon us. I exhausted my staff of lightening and my own gift before finally engaging it with steel on the ground.  It was a close thing, but we triumphed.

Faen and I made it into the ruins of the Labyrinth the next morning.  Had to deal with a bunch of Frost Trolls.  Didn't find much of interest beyond a fellow mage wandering around, but don't know why.  She was not from the College as far as I know.  And we found two interesting entrances that in the morning I think we'll explore.

I am very interested in learning more about this place that was a temple to dragons and later a center for the revival of the mages guilds. 

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