Friday, November 16, 2012

Two chosen

I chose the door.  Less exposed than going up the steps in plane sight, and I was curious what might lay inside the mountain.  We discovered a tunnel passage up to the top of the fortress and it was occupied with more Forsworn.  We also found the body of a dead elvish woman in a cell.  Looked as if she had been tortured to death after some time of starvation.  The Forsworn had been here awhile.

Out on the top we found ourselves attacked by a Forsworn mage with a Troll that was somehow enthralled.  I have never seen anything like this anywhere in Tamriell.  This is magic that I have not yet seen.

The top of the ruin was surprising in how not impressive it was.  There was a huge approach coming up the mountain side with docks below on the river, and all that was here was a small tower which opened up on the top in a courtyard of sorts.

It was here we found the creature Drascua.  The tower itself was occupied by a mage and warded by fire traps.  Both were challenging, but not impossible to overcome. Drascua herself, transformed by some dread magic or curse into a Hargrave, was very susceptible to the power of lightening.  And the curate was right.  She had on her possession the pommel stone of the demon's Razor.  I feel better knowing that at least one piece of the Razor is in my possession.

Once more I found a place of ancient power, the Word spoke to me once again.  This place had been profaned by Hargraven magic but yet the Word was uncorrupted and sang forth to my soul.

Lidia and I traveled back to my new estate in the Pale.  I arrived just in time to find Gregory being menaced by a giant.  Beast was a handfull.  Lidia took quite a blow the head and even fire didn't have the impact I hoped, but in the end we brought it down.  Lidia needed time to recover, so I spent a bit of time puttering around the house building a few items and working on furnishing the cellar.  And I made trip into Whiterun to sell a few things and pick up a few things, including items I wanted from the house there.  I warded the place since I'm not sure when I'll be back.  And headed to the new estate.

Lidia and Gregory are getting to know one another it would seem, and I shared with them all I know about what is going on with the dragons, though I didn't talk about the secret places of the Labryinth.  Not sure why, but I feel like I need to hold that close for now.

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