Friday, November 2, 2012

A Terrible Day

In Dawnstar it occured to me as I was pondering over a mug of ale in the local inn, that perhaps the appearance of the orb and the appearance of dragons are somehow connected.  I don't know how, but the timing is coincidental. 

I decided to stop in and introduce myself to Jarl Skald, the local thayne here.  He said there have been no reports of dragons this far north, but he has heard the stories of dragons in the southern reaches.  He said the dragons were here because Talos the ascendent man is angry at the Imperial occupation of these lands.  I think he may be stretching this a bit.  There are many who claim the elevation of Talos is a myth.  Skald is all in for the "stormcloak rebellion".  I find it interesting that the name "storm" surfaces when only a while ago I was pondering if somehow storms are connected to the coming of the dragons. 

Returning to the Inn I struck up a conversation with a mage that I had spoken to the night before by the name of Erandur.  He didn't know anything about dragons and little about the rebellion, but he had strong opinions about why so many people are having nightmares here.  He claims it has nothing to do with the uncertainty of the times, but is rather a manifestation of a demonic presence that is centered in a temple just above the town.  He even claimed that there was a cult to this demonness and that a number of orcs had invaded the temple to destory her, but were put fast asleep through magic. 

This sounded too much like another demonic incursion.  Dragons and orbs could wait.  More gates between the created realm and the demonic could not be allowed to spawn as they had in the south.  And I recalled the flame demon I had seen not far from Riverrun.  So I journied with him to the temple.

I wish I had not.  We found the orcs waking from their sleep and the temple guardians as well, their minds twisted through years of nighmarish sleep.  I found the source of evil in an artifact shielded beyond an impenetrable barrier.  It was then that Erandur revealed himself to be a former disciple of the same cult but he claimed to have repented of his action and was not dedicated to the destruction of the artifact and the influence of the demonness. 

He induced me to drink of a potion that would transform me through space and time and allow me to penetrate the barrier.  My hatred of the demonic is such that I took the chance and so consumed.  I recall visions of the assault on the temple and how the barrier was put into place.  Erandur claims that I passed through the barrier, retrieved the gem and freed the soul powering it, and that together we proceeded to the inner sanctum finding ourselves face to face with two of his former friends who were still guarding the artifact.  He claims that I saved his life, and that though he was gravely wounded, was able to speak the safe words to lift the ward around the artifact enabling him to destroy it. 

I remember nothing of it.  I remember only coming out of the vision, retrieving the stone, and then waking up near the upper levels where we had somehow together made it.  Of the battle I remember nothing.  I was tired, achingly so, as if I had been engaged in hours of long study.  I felt a level of frustration that I had not felt since entering the north, as if it had almost been for naught.  I felt as if I had to force myself to move forward, the it was not safe behind, but corruption was back there and threatened to consume my future and destiny.  I was jumpy and eager to get out of there before the world crashed in around me.  Even outside I felt as though the world could crash at any moment.  Erandur offered me his services, and invited me to return to the temple to seek him out, but I don't know if I'll ever want to return to that temple of corruption.  For some reason I feel as if the entire world that I know here could unravel through what was may remain inside.

I was exhausted and stayed the night in Dawnstar, but early left eagerly putting the town behind me this time.  Heading east for the college.  Late in the day I spotted a lighthouse in the distance and hoped for a warm bed and meal.  But I found a dead horse in the road and two dead people inside.  And evidence of some monster in the cellars.  I decided to leave well enough alone at this time.  I've have had enough diving into dark places for the time being.  So my mount and I continued east. 

The night was cold but clear.  And we road through the night.  These northern mounts are nothing if not all heart.  Nearing the pass for Winterrun I spotted a shirtless man running at full tilt in our direction.  Drawing near I could see why.  Two ice wraiths were attacking.  Before I could reach him he was dead.  My gift of fire destroyed them. 

But it was with a heavy heart that I rode down into Winterrun and so I got a room, not feeling quite up to going on into the college. 

 Reading a book there in my room, I discovered a bit of curious lore.  A far away land named Akavir, which has a history of invading these northern lands, is otherwise known as "The land of the dragons".  Curious.

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