Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Into the North

Having learned the Jarl was still quite upset, and needing to secure these spectral weapons, I quietly left town in the middle of the night of the 23rd of Sun Disc.  I stashed the weapons outside town and found Faen.  He told me he had heard bandits had moved back into the mine, so we sought them out and dealt with them.  Ended up mining ore for a couple of day to work on my new smithing hobby.

With the ore, I decided to return back to the Skyforge and there created Faen his very own custom weapon, a large brash knife.  Suits him.

I decided to seek out the Jarl, and make a public appearance to him and convey that I was departing. The more I thought about it, the more skulking out of town didn't seem the right thing to do, besides the real reason for leaving, those damn spectral weapons was hidden with them already out.

I'm not sure about the leader of our land.  After his words and actions of the recent past, I am not sure he has his people's best interest at heart.  I've heard the soldiers in the forts grumbling that he is all to ready to throw them at the dragons, but when it comes to caring for them, their families, and the wounded he turns a blind eye. He would rather throw his coin at those who are willing to bring influence to bear to keep him on his throne.  Or at least that's how they tell it.  I must admit that while I recognize he walks a fine line, I felt a bit sold out on the Thalmor issue.  He seems afraid of these religious zealots and not willing to challenge them.  Appeasement seems to be his method of working.  Might explain why he's so friendly to the empire too, play it safe with the existing powers.  From what I hear out in town and around the tavern, the town is pretty evenly divided on the Jarl.  You either hate him or love him.  He does seem a bit lazy to me.  He lounges around a great deal and I've not seen him accomplish much.   Mostly he lives off the hard work of others. But he is the Jarl, so I called, paid my respects, requested permission to depart (which I knew he would grant) and headed out with Faen.  We stopped by the house for gear and to tell Lidia goodbye.  She'll watch over my humble estate until I return.

I headed north with Faen going up through Helgen.  Near town we were assaulted by a Thalmor execution squad.  Heard one of them say something like there is the one we are seeking.  Great.

A bit banged up and sore we stayed overnight in Helgen.  I explored deep into the keep and found the dungeons I had fled through the night Helgen was destroyed.  It was in these very cells that I had been intended to be held and likely would have died there but for the dragon.  Had to deal with a couple of theives and murders holded up down there.  And found a loose copy of a book I haven't seen since the Mage College about the Dragonborn.  Huge find.  It was likely there in the mad rush out of Helgen the first time, but then I had no reason to believe such a book was important.  I'll need to spend some more time sorting through these pages.

Helgen is clearly an Imperial keep.  Faen kept raving about how amazing it must have been and that its glory should be restored. He is a huge fan of the Empire.  Suspect he may have some difficulty on in the north on that issue, but I think he's good at keeping his political opinions to himself. 

By early morning the next day we were making our way up into the passes heading north around the south side of the throat of the world, heading for Ivarstead.  The more the morning passed and the higher we went, the colder it became and the worse the snow.  By the fourth bell past dawning, not that we saw the sun, we were slowed to a virtual crawl.  We ran across a traveler coming up the other way and was making introductions when we suddenly felt the dark presence of a Blood dragon.  Battle came quickly.  I tried to utilize my recently acquired staff of Magnus but found it was not as useful as I had hoped.  The dragon hung out on the ridges above us and I hit him with lightening power weakening and enraging him.  He came flying down on top of us and Faen secured an amazing shot bringing the beast to the ground.  I had to move in close with blades to finish him.

Coming down out of the heights the terrain opened up and the season of fall returned.  We found a small shack, looks like belonged to someone dabbling in alchemy.  Would have been a good place to stay, but we still had good daylight left.  So we pushed on.  On the path we discovered an Imperial war camp off the road in the woods.  It is very close to the boundaries of the Storm Cloaks as I understand.

We made Ivarstar in time to gather some much needed food.  I asked around town a bit about the monastery on top of the mountain.  The Jarl, and the mage at Whiterun have encouraged me to seek out there help, but in truth I know nothing of the "Gray Manes" other than they supposedly trained Semptim. 

The next day we made the climb to Dragon Falls Manor and I introduced Faen to what was once my grandfather's home, and now was mine, according to the deed secured on my first journey through Ivarstead. 

My first stop was the armory where I secured my spectral weaponry and also the special armour crafted for me by friends in Riverwood.  It is such high grade armour that I am waiting to when I better understand the use of the Arcane Enchanter to maximize its potential.  I warded the door with strong fire and feel very confident in the security of the items placed there.

The enchanter here is very limited in scope compared to the ones in the Citadel in the Capitol.  I've only been able to discover how it works by reversing the process with existing enchanted blades.  And it would appear that it is limited in what it can do with what item and how much energy it can transfer irregardless of the power source.  What I would give to be able to return to the Citadel for a special spell or two for dragons and some specialized armour and weapons to deal with such.  But the enchanters here are powerful.  I suspect the biggest problem is my lack of understanding, though it grows.

I decided to explore the stone door and the pass into the moutains outside the estate the next morning.  Just curious if it was passable by mount.  It wasn't, and infested with Falmar. We slew a few and decided to leave it alone.  I warded the door so nothing could come out to bother the estate.  

That afternoon saw us resume our journey north.  Our first stop was the Mill were Gilfre died.  Still no sign of her body.  But someone had locked up the house. We may have disturbed a thief though, for one tried to hold us up.  I felt bad to have to slay him, but he wouldn't take a hint and leave.  His life or ours.  Easy choice.

Passed by an occupied fortress on the road, but didn't want questions so left it alone.

The 30th of Sun Disc, the day we made Windhelm, we were early enough for me to sell some armor and pelts taken along the way.  It is nice having a bit of coin, and with the weather still threatening, we decided to hire a wagon to transport us the rest of the way to Winterhold.  Just as I was about to mount the wagon having secured my mount to her side, a huge dragon flew over. I immediately dove over the side as it seems that dragons like to start with large targets.  It circled us once then flew off east.  For a bit I expected it to attack, but no sign came of its return. Could this be the same evil dragon, the "world-eater"?

I wrote most of the entry bounding around in the back of that wagon and finish now at the Inn in Winterhold.  Some drunk keeps wanting me to drink with him, but I'm not wanting to loose my way now, but later I'll return and drink him under the table.  Now it is time for bed. Up tomorrow to return to the college with the staff of Magnus.  

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