We spotted movement in the distance, just beyond the entrance. Got the drop on a Frost Troll. I singed it a bit with fire and as it came roaring through the gate, J'Zargo hamstrung it. The ruins were an invitation to exploration, but we had to work to do, so we headed for the main entrance. I didn't know what to expect, but ghosts were not on the menu, especially not ghosts of student mages from the college. They would appear frequently from time to time as we made our way through the ruins, each time loosing one of their member.

We found a tablet naming this the city of Bromjunar. (Comes up again later.)

Oh, and don't forget the blasted trolls. I hate trolls too. Nasty beasts.
In one side passage I found a study area, soaked in blood, with a book about vampirism. I hate vampires.

Deep into the catacombs we discovered ghosts and something of greater important, most worrying. Ghostly enchanted weapons. Weapons of pure energy or spirit. They are not material, but yet they remain. I took several swords, a couple of axes, and even a bow -- all with the ability to suck life and energy right out of you. I look at them in my hand and they are vapor but they are there. What manner of magic is this? I've never seen anything like this.
Deep in the mountain we came upon a cavern with a throne. I thought we had arrived. A dreadful dark dead lord arose and gave battle. I was forced to retreat back up the passage as my very life was draining from me. Between my medicines, my gift, and my excellent weapons I was able to hold on and defeat the monster, barely. This has been my greatest foe.

I thought I was done, but then I remember I had not yet found the staff of Magnus. I had found ancient sword of fire and a helmet enchanted with strong fire protection... but no staff. I started down the hall that exited the end of the Word chamber only to find myself attacked again by spectral warriors and this time one who could summon a Frost Atronauch of the demon world. Fortunately my gift with fire is coming alive again.

As I was about to make my way out of the ruins, I was confronted by a Thalmor mage. Somehow he knew I would be here, claiming to know that damn Thalmor in the college who is causing all the trouble. He tried to shock me into submission, probably wanting the staff... but my gift is coming alive. I doubt he realized he was dealing with the man who used to be the Archmage of the Citadel.

Coming out into the ruins I was not quite ready to leave... J'Zargo was on my mind I climbed the walls and meditated for a bit on him and our short friendship. Looking down, I saw something interest and found in a small structure a body, a note about a mask, and a strange wooden mask that hums with some sort of unidentified energy. It was late afternoon. Trolls were about. I had to kill and I could hear others. I was alone. J'Zargo was dead. It was time to leave. I headed out of the mountains for home.

It was a somber journey. Didn't really talk to anyone on the road. Saw no dragons.

So the evening of the 22nd of SunDisc finds me back home watching the stars come out as I stand on the small rise across from house.
Tomorrow I shall decide what to do next, but I think it is necessary to return to the college, though the snows will be coming hard I suspect farther north.
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