As dusk fell I prowled around looking for the dragon cell below the keep, but once again couldn't find it. But I did find a door, tucked away in a storeroom that looked as if it hadn't been opened in years. But it was securely locked. Going around to the jail cells to see if there was another way in, the guards initially were opposed to my looking around, but when they learned who I was - the new Thane, they allowed it. But there was no sign of another entrance.
They were talking about a museum in Dawnstar which was dedicated to the Mythic Dawn. This got my attention fast. The assassin group that killed Septim and was complicit in the demonic invasion in Cryodil. I must go investigate, but this time alone. The people in the north do not know that I was once the hero of Bruma, the Archmage of the Citadel, and the guardian of Martin the emperor.
The 12th day of Sun Disc dawned bright and clear. I hoped the snows would hold off. I didn't make it far. On the road I stumbled across Thalmor, elves of the Dominion, with a human prisioner. He begged for help and when I merely sought clarification they summoned forth a flame demon. Glamdring slew 3 warriors, a battle mage, and a scholarly mage as I rode them down from horseback. I returned to town to sell the armour, but the Jarl was unhappy I had killed them without knowing all the details. Fined me 1,000 gold. Said he had to set a public example.
I believe he was glad to see me leave town the next day. As I approached the White Tower we were circled by a dragon but it flew off east.
In Dawnstar I visited this museum to the Mythic Dawn. He has only a few bits of rabble, but of concern was a set of books - complete they look - commentaries by the corrupted mage behind the demonic incursion. He wanted me to complete a "task" for him. I thought better of it, but he will bare watching.

The Archmage's assistant, told me to continue on for the staff. When I shared my destination was the Labyrinth she looked up sharply and said quietly, the Archmage had given her a strong amulet of power for when it was needed in the Labrinth. She handed it to me with here outstretched hand even while too weak yet to stand. On a whim I asked what she knew of the Psijic order. She said they were old, much older than the order of the mages of the Empire.

It was a huge dark presence. A huge dark reptile. Far larger than the Blood Dragons. Was this the dragon of Helgen? Was this the dragon I thought might be Martin, but likely not. Could it be the world devourer? Unlikely for the world stands. But this is a monster and I watched it fly east (east again) with trepidation. I found myself wishing I had a small army at my disposal. It grows dark.
J'Zargo and I had an interesting talk. It started off with my deciding to reveal to him that I am dragonborn. He scoffed and said this he knew already, J'zargo knows all -- so does everyone else it seems. The guards of Winterhold have spread the story all over of my battle with the dragon there.
He enlightened me also on the key even of this last journey north. The Thalmor have been granted a free pass by the empire -- in their weakened state they fear the Aldmeri Dominion (an elven alliance) and have granted them passage in the lands. They even tolerate their goal fo eradicating teh worship of Talos. It must be that the captive I "rescued" was a Talos man. And this explains why the Jarl was so angry. He is an Imperial man and these Thalmor supposedly are all around in the north. This antagonism toward Talos also explains the animosity in the north against the Thalmor. I'll have to keep on eye open for their political movements as well. I am a Thane after all.
My own allegiances are torn. I have human blood through my mother and elven blood through my father. Another issues that I don't know how to side upon.
Tonight we enter the Labyrinth.
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