A staff of magelight, fear, repulsion, and firebolts. Curious.
On the body was a cryptic note - that said to entered twice to leave once. And some other words about magic working differently therein. Also curious.
I could not get the main entrance open, but a similar entrance in the rear responded to my triggering and so we made our way in. But I had a bad feeling about this place, and a sense of dread that something rest here that might be better off left alone. Caution took me and I told Faen we should depart.
He did not argue.

Faen only saw me draw near to the wall and freeze for a moment. He had not idea what was transpiring.
We made our way quickly down the mountain and back to Whitestar. I left Faen at the house with Lidia, and went up the hill to research among the Jarl's library. But I found nothing new and helpful on the Labyrnth other than it was associated with a great mage who used this place to resurrect the schools of the mages.
I resolved to explore the sight again, only this time alone. I made my way in the rear entrance encountering a frost demon who I burned to dust but little else, until finally coming to an in ground entrance. But the sigil would not respond. Even though I am strong in the gift of restoration, and the sigil if I read it correctly is one of restoration, it would not respond.
I exited and approached the front door once again and was able to get the door to open. This passage also lead to an inground entrance, only this time I was able to get the sigil to open and I dropped about 20 feet down into ancient burial chambers below. At first nothing looked of interest. A few minor graves, and a way out that lead upward, then turning... I saw why... why this place felt so dire... why this place was hidden....why it was a place of power... the fool who built this place.

The door to hell. This place was a gateway between the Created Realm and the realm of the demonic. I approached the evil sigil carefully expecting a gate to spawn at any moment. But it was quiet, cold, but not dead. Asleep I think.
Could a mage of this world truly have harnessed such evil power to resurrect the mages guilds?
I cast what wards I could to secure entry to this place, but nothing is as strong as the wards I penetrated easily. Any mage could enter here and use this place with the right knowledge. Then I recalled the mage I had seen previously wondering around up top. And Ancano from the Dominion and those blasted mages of the Synod associated with Citadel. I must find a way to secure this place but I don't know how.

This foe was beyond me. I knew it in the depth of my bones. To stay was to die. To fight was to die. Time to run.
I left the ruins with more questions than answers and much left unresolved. It was growing dark so I stopped at Redoran for rest only to be surprised by some bandits. The first were little problems, but the final one was plated in some of the finest steel armour I've seen since leaving the south. She turned out to be quite a problem and has left me with a nasty wound stretching across my middle that I've had to sew up on my own. Will be resting here a bit to heal before pushing back to Whitestar.
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