Thursday, November 1, 2012

The true treasure

I left out of town early seeking to stop and explore this little treasure map I almost gave my life for.  To my surprise it actually lead me to a small buried cache.  It was long climb up the mountain and decided to camp out in the heights watching the sun set and the stars come out. But I came to regret that as a strong weather front came and began dumping very heavy snow.  I had to make my way down the mountain in the earlier hours.  I headed into Riverrun only to be assaulted by an lady elf with magic.  Once again I have no clue why.  It was me or her.  I walked away, or rather rode away.

Faendal was not in town so I spent the day with Alvor the local smith learning about abit about improving weapons and working with iron and steal.  He made a strange comment about longing to work with moon ore but when I asked him about this, he didn't have anything else to say on the subject.

Faendal returned that evening.  I had been concerned at his abrupt departure that he had been angry with my serving with the companions.  Especially given I now had a better understanding of their founder as the slayer of elves.  But he was jovial and jumped at the chance to recover some sellable weapons from the barrow.  So we made a journey of a week to return.  But unfortunately it appears someone was there before us.  No bodies.  Only a few weapons remained.  We took what we could find and returned to Winter run selling these items to our local merchants.

This finds me back home.  The carpenter made short work of things, converting some extra space into a nice area for potion making.  It is sizing up handily.

So now I must decide what the future holds.  Do I return to the college to seek out knowledge of m blade knowing I will likely be caught in the battle over the orb? And it is along journey and nothing says I won't find myself caught in the battles between the legion and the rebels.  Do I wait here or in Riverrun for the post, should it come, back from my family and then seek my cousins?  The Companions have asked me to take on a new mission.  And I've seen no sign of Martin or the dragon if it is Martin nor have I heard rumors of dragons lately.  But I would like to read that book again about blood of dragons.  Something about dragons ties this together.  Even the blade I carry was involved in a war against a dragon.  And it seems she awakes.  And the words which speak to me.  Are they the words of dragon?  Is there blood of dragon in me?  I look with concern on my fellow companions who have the nature of wolves.  But what of me?  Is that why I was able to stand when so many fell when the demons broke through into our world several years ago?

As for the sword, I have been working on the translation of the runes inscribed into her with the help of notes made regarding the small ancient texts the court mage had in his possession. She appears read thus:  Turgon aran Gondolin tortha gar a matha i vegil Glamdring gûd daedheloth, dam an Glamhoth".   This is an ancient elvish language and means something like:  "Turgon, king of Gondolin, wields, has, and holds the sword Glamdring, Foe of Morgoth's realm, Hammer of the Orcs".

Who is Turgon?  Where was Gondolin?  Who was Morgoth and where was his realm?  The elves of this land must be descendents of this time, but I do not know if these words speak of events that transpired her or elsewhere.  Mysteries in mysteries.

But the best treasure of these past days:  my friend Faendal has returned.

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