Thursday, November 8, 2012

Night Reading

Looked through a book I found that had a reference to the Labryinth, which is of interest to me as there was much more to explore there.  From its size and design it obviously was of some importance in the past, and the fact that a powerful lord of some kind was there cannot be discounted.  The book make a reference to a time when it was known as Bromjunaar - fitting with an enscription I read upon entering the halls.  It would appear this was once a temple in the north to dragons in the time of the Dragon Lords, so it looks like this Morokei may have been a dragon lord.

It goes on to reference a mage named Shalidor who resurrected the dying caste of mages which lead to the foundation of various schools including the College of Mages in Winterhold. There is supposedly a labyrinth somewhere among the ruins designed intentionally to test mages.

With the history of this site,  some of the words of the ghosts of the college mages begin to make sense.  The final mage must have somehow talked his two remaining companions (or compelled them) to enter a state where the dragon lord would be contained and suspended in time.  They must have encountered him.  But the fact he was aware of me and could speak to me and drain my gift even before  released him says that he was probably near breaking free on his own.

But how is it that a man or being that should have been dead long ago now lives?  I wonder what else may be hidden in the ruins there.  I remember the city well decorated with sculpted dragon heads but two busts of men were most prominent. Who were these men?  Or do they represent a class of men?  I need to learn more about its history.

It begs for a return.

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