Sunday, November 25, 2012


Headed west back for Morthal through a major blizzard.  The snow was deep and the cold bone chilling.  I overnighted in a legion camp .  On the way into Morthal I discovered a burned out house.  I was wondering if the legion was responsible and found myself feeling angry.  But I need to remain neutral right now.  Came upon the Ustengrav ruins and watched as some militants and vampires killed each other.  The passage way into the deeper part of the ruin is block by a collapsed ceiling.  Sister ruins, named Kjenstag lay to the south.  Nothing much of interest in either.

Morthal turned out to be a small fishing village.  I overheard conversation among the inhabitants that they were concerned about their Jarl and her newfound friendship with a mage.  The fact that mage had taken up residence here got my attention.  Decided to check on it.  But first I sought out the shards of the Razor.  A man named Jorgen did indeed have them, a descendent of a family that kept them safe.  He had little interesting in protecting them and I was able to buy them for a bit of gold.  Now I have all the piece of this evil weapon in my possession.

So I turned and sought out the mage, Falion.  He is rather the angry type. Claims the townspeople spread rumours about him sacrificing children and whatnot.  A little girl with him shared that she had been orphaned and he had taken her in and was training her in the art.  I thought it wise to seek out the Jarl.

She turned out to be an elderly lady, who said she need the mage because there were problems in town that only a mage could handle.  There were strange noises in the night near the swamps and a mysterious house fire, that she asked me to look into.  She claimed to have visions, but said her vision as strangely clouded regarding the fire.  For her, is is suspicious that the surviving husband, named Hroggar, would very rapidly remarry.  I think she is a leader of integrity.  She agrees the civil war should be avoided.  So I decided to check on the house for her. 

In the process I discovered some startling awful truths.  The spirit of a dead child revealed her own mother was a vampire and had tried to turn her daughter, but in the end tried to kill the entire family with only the husband surviving.  The mother had faked her own death.  And worse, the mother had been turned by another woman, the now wife of Hroggar, a woman named Alva.  I tried to talk to Hroggar about this to see if he had suspicions and pulled his weapon on me.  I was in the process of backing away trying to calm him down when Lidia struck him down from a distance with her bow.  She only saw me being threatened. 

I entered their house and found Alva in her resting tomb.  She was indeed a vampire, but not natural.  She had been turned as well.  Her journal explained it all.  The town was to be food for a master vampire.  And she as his thrall was to establish it.  It was far more complicated than that, but let it suffice to say there was an evil beast around and the town was not safe.  I shared with the Jarl and showed her the journal.  She insisted on sending out a force to deal with this vampire, a mix of rabble if you ask me.

I sent Lidia home as the guards were suspicious about the death of Hroggar and chased the rabble down, convincing them to let me confront the vampire alone.  The first thrall I encountered I knocked senseless with fireballs.  The next I had no sorrow for killing for he had in a pit the body of 4 recently dead.

The inner sanctum of the beast crawled with vampires. I was high and blasted them with fire from a distance.  The vampire Morvath, known in this region, but though dead for a hundred years was their master.  He is dead now, burned to a cinder.  The remaining vampires I dealt with one on one by blade.

As I returned to Morthal, I could not help but notice a dragon circling a distant peak.  Probably ruins there.  I reported the Jarl about the vampire and she revealed that she knew I was dragonborn.  And she asked for one more favor and said she would grant a boon of Thaneship if I would deliver.  Kill the dragon. 

So on the 8th day of Rain's Hand I set out to kill a dragon, hunting him rather than being hunted.  I crossed the pass near where a dragon was seen circling to discover this was not the same dragon.  This was a blood dragon.  We did battle in the forest, the trees being most helpful for cover and concealment.  The dragon I was sent after had a home above the ruins of the Labryinth. 

I did battle with this dragon, at place of the Word high above the Labrinth.  It circled and dove and I responded with lightening and cold.  I must have secured a powerful wound, for it crashed to the ground before me and I slew it were it rested. 

And then the wall.  The word inscribed into the wall called to me.  A stronger word of cold.  I traveled back to Morthal to report to the Jarl and then headed home to the Pale.  I took the time to deliver a letter from the healer in Morthal to Whiterun, where I heard a rumour that was most disconcerting. One of the guards said it was better to be here than to be with the pour souls in Riverwood.  I thought the worst, and rode hard for the village.  But it was still standing and there had been no more dragon attacks since the one that took the life of the village blacksmith.  I grabbed Lidia in Whiterun and returned to the estate.

Securing provisions, we set out for Dawnstar to finally resolve the issue with the museum curator.  Was he innocent and stupid of insidious.  The town was just finishing up a battle with another dragon but with major loss.  Why these people don't just retreat into their mine I don't know.  But this time two minors, Beitold and Ignir were dead. 

The 12th of Rain's Hand I confirmed my suspicion that the curator was more than he seemed.  He wished to reforge the dagger and claimed a portal was open to Dagon and that his power could be used.  The idiot has opened a portal to Dagon.  This is what caused the problem in Cyrodil and lead to Martin's death. This man is not historian of the Mythic Dawn cult, he is one last surviving cultist. 

I claimed to have no further interest and he took off for the portal site.  Lidia saw which direction he head and so we tracked him.  It turned out the portal/shrine site was high in the mountains near the Pale.  I observed while he tried to open the portal and failed.  I sighed with relief as I decided this was man was more braggart than substance.  I dropped down to reclaim the pieces of the dagger only to sense that indeed Dagon was here.  It was an unmistakable presence.  I had last felt it in the Imperial City when I had used forbidden art to sneak Martin past him into the temple of the One. 

Archmages from before remembered history, had passed the secret of invisibility to one but forbidden its use as too dangerous to be known.  I know longer had the implements of invisibility.  They were, I hoped, still hidden in secret room in the quarter of the Arch Mage of the Citadel.  But fortunately, probably due to the fact Dagon never knew I was there, Dagon did not recognize me.  He responded to the dragon blood in me though, and began to reforge the dagger and the sought to reinforce the portal.  With the mage heavily invested and Dagon vulnerable with part of his spirit here, I struck down the Mage, sealing the portal and heavily wounded the demon.  In the last moments before the portal closed he sent forth minions to attack me, powerful with fire.  But the blade did for them.  The shrine itself is ancient and there is still a small weak portal that was there before.  More Dremora were inside.  These I killed as well.  This portal remains open, but I warded the site strongly and will keep an I eye on it. 

I had left Lidia to watch the back passage, so I found her and headed down the ridges to the house, to discover just about the house a lost tower of sorts.  Looks Dwarven, but I could not gain entry.  This may bare more investigation.

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