Monday, November 12, 2012

At home in the North

It is a strange feeling, but this land of the north is beginning to feel more like home, though still it seems a stranger. 

I awoke from my respite in the cave to the dread sound of a monster roar outside.  I raced down the tunnel and out into the sunlight to see a monstrous dragon circling and then heading off toward the east.  It is the same beast I have seen on numerous occassions heading east.  The same beast, I think, that consumed Helgen.

Upon my return to Whiterun, I found a letter from the Jarl in Dawnstar asking me to return to him to deal with another problem that had risen to threaten the town.  I sought out Faen in Riverwood.

 and we traveled together to Dawnstar to find that a giant had taken up residence nearby and had become a threat.  Giants are notoriously difficult to fight, especially when angry.  But Faen and I made a great team.  He moved in close and kept the giant angry and confused while I blasted him with fire from a distance. Together we brought him down. 

As reward the Jarl offered to sell me land and make me a landed noble, a Thane, if I could gain the support of the people.  The sound of a home sounded good, especially given the estate itself was halfway between Dawnstar and Whiterun.  It was not too difficult to gain the support of the locals following my previous defense of  the town from a blood dragon.

Faen and I headed south through the Fort at Dunstar, which we found was infested with bandits.  We had to clean them out.  This time, I went in close with double blade work. 

Faen and I built a small cabin on the site for future shelter and then traveled onward heading for Riverwood to secure lumber from the mill there, only to find the town under serious attack by another dragon.  Lightening brought the beast down but the mill was destroyed and the blacksmith Alvor is missing.  I fear the worst for him, though no body has surfaced.  Now the people or Riverwood know me as "dragonborn" for they have seen me take the power of the dragon. 

The miller sent me east to her cousin Agna who runs a mill near Windhelm.  I stopped briefly in Windhelm and delivered a letter I had been asked to pass on earlier in my travels.  Then on to the mill.  We came across some Redguards who were harrassing a fellow redguard woman, but we overheard it was a case of mistaken identity and something about her not having the skull.

On the 18th of Evening Star I sent Faen home, telling him I was going to focus on building my home for a bit.  I traveled back to Dawnstar, did some mining, and was recognized as Thane and introduced to "Gregory" who would serve as the master of my estate. 

So the past week or so has seen me making several trips between the estate and town and for supplies, selling items I no longer need, and purchasing raw materials. 

I made another stop over into Riverwood to check on the mill only to find once again another blood dragon attacking the town.  This one had Faen cornered behind the mill itself, and this time I can say I saved his life.  Had I not come to his rescue I am certain he would have perished.  For some reason the dragon was fixated on him. 

Gregory and I have made a good building team.  The walls and ceilings are up for my hall and it even has some rudimentary furnishings... but it is a long way from being ready to entertain anyone.  Breezehome in Windstar remains my main home for the moment, but the idea of an estate not locked into a town that can be warded and secured sounds good.  And even though I have access to my family's estate at Dragon Falls, it is still not my own. 

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