We found the shard as rumoured, but I found more...way more. Farkas did not see but I heard. Another word, written in an ancient language I cannot read, below a great engraving of a dragon, called to me and my blood stirred once again. But like the other, it lies below the surface and I know not how to call it forth or even it can be called forth. I do not know what it is.
We triggered something. Whether was the word or taking the shard, but suddenly dozens upon dozens of undead were upon us. I was up high and blasted them with fire while Farkas held the approach. It was due to our position that we survived.
Up top, it was middle night so we rested until dawn. I reluctantly left behind much in the way of weapons and armour. I could have sold these and made tidy profit, but I could carry so much and Farkas no interested.

The next morning I decided to seek out the court mage to see what he could tell me of the elves and men and their history and of the sword. He knew little beyond that these northern lands were among the first to be settled by men and that elves were concerned about how short our lives are and how fast we reproduce. Elves live long and have few children and live in harmony with the land. Man on the other hand....well you know.
On my way out I asked the steward if he new of any carpenters who could do some work around the house in my absence and he promised to see to it. He was staring forlornly at a map of military forces. It would appear the conflict between empire and the rebels is growing with a clear demarcation of position. I shall have to be cautious.

So I carry a blade from an ancient time that was used to destroy a mighty and evil foe. I wonder about that age. I will have seek out ancient tombs, perhaps in the collection locked away in the college. But it is far away and will to wait for now.
I am thinking to return to Riverwood for two reasons. One from there I dispatch a courier south with a letter to my grandmother's family to see what I can learn of our estates in the north. And I wish to seek out Faengal, my elvish friend, to see if he would be interested to return to the barrow site and recover that small treasure in weapons.
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