It has been a long long past few days. We left the mill heading onward. A messenger was dispatched to the Jarl to say Gilfre is dead. The mill shut down.

I hate spiders, giant or otherwise. The cave proved rich in moonstone.

We overnighted with some hunter in the area and the next morning headed for the ruins of Mufti have been given a general idea of their location from the local hunters. There proved to be a direct approach from the road.

We found a second dead mage. Perhaps killed by the same strange spider like metal things that attacked Lidia and myself.
Did I say I hate spiders - of all kinds?
The we were attacked by a Charus. I see signs they may be prolific in the ruins and caverns of the mountain.
We discovered a third dead mage and raw dog meat on a nearby table. Does this indicate they were afraid to try to move outside to hunt?

Rising up into the mountain we made our way through the halls of the ruin, though much of the machinery works - to mysterious purpose. We came under attack by some metal ball man, the first of several such attacks. Its attacks were predictable but strong.
Then we found a dead Falmer, a blind cave elf. More animal than elf. Near the end of this section of ruins we found remains of metal spiders and signs of Falmer activity. Great.

Deep in the Falmer area we found another mage, a woman, laying dead inside the hut of a Falmer. I tremble to think what happened there.
Soon we made our way back into the halls of the Dwarf ruin and I discovered a locked room with a key and ring of power.

The key worked and we found a dead Falmer inside the hall. At its end another locked door, but this time a voice. A mage opened door, and then seeing we were not who he expected he attacked us. But when he soon realized outclassed him he submitted and we both discovered it was a misunderstanding. His name was Paratus and he said he was a member of the Synod of the Citadel doing research. In our conversation he was delighted to discover I had a focusing crystal. He walked Lidia and I up and showed us an ancient huge round machine of the dwarves designed to capture the light of stars.

The crystal worked and after adjusting the machine the image of Tamriel was manifest by the light on nearby wall. Paratus was amazed because it did not show what he expected. But rather two sources of bright light appeared on the map - one in the college and another to its west in what may be other ruins. Paratus claimed this demonstrated the college had something of great power. I wouldn't confirm anything for him and in his effort to get information out of me released that the machine was supposed to have shown all the sources of magical power in the north, but that these two were so powerful it was drowning out all others. When I refused to say more, he threated that the council would take action and made his leave. Maybe I should have killed him, but I was once the Archmage of the Citadel. He didn't know me, but he was once one of mine. I almost laughed when he had asked me if I was aware of the wonderful sky device in the Citadel that projected the heavens and tracked their movements. He had no way of knowing how many hours I had spent in meditation there, especially after my brother of the blades was killed at Bruma, God rest his soul. Maybe I let him live too because I lay to rest in humble graves to aspiring mages of the Citadel at that battle in Bruma. So much blood.
Lidia and I made our way out of the ruins with out event, twisting and turning our way back. Outside I was uncertain as to my path. Push north for the college. Return to Winterrun to find out what was happening that a friend had died.
I was tired. I decided instead to head west for a town called something like Iverness to see if I can discover if my distant family is still there.
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