We overnighted at a Mill on the western side of the lake owned and operated by a woman named Hert. I thought to borrow a little shed there for shelter, but we decided to camp among the trees. The shed had meat from local animals and what appeared to me to be possibly a human rib cage and clothing soaked in blood. Very suspicious. And Hert kept talking about being surprised that she had visitors. I think something strange is going on here. But it was quiet night. I got up in the middle of the night and paid a call on her house, just to see what I could see. But she seemed normal enough.

But the weather was a bit warmer so I decided to turn north and search out those Forgemaster's fingers I had been told of by the Orcs. The Orcs are mysterious lot to me. And at heart I remain a scholar and want to know more. But I have to earn their trust. I had uneventful journey to Dragon Bridge. Lidia met me there. I reckon Faen had passed word of my destination.
All hell burst loose upon Dragon Bridge. A huge dragon attacked the town. There is a small legion outpost here as well as local guards. And it took them, myself, and Lidia to bring the down the beast. I am glad I was not in the wild alone to face it.

At the end of the nest we came upon a heavy bronze door with the mark of what I believe is a symbol for the dragon lords. And the door opened into the mountains outside and it was incredible.

It wasn't. I was wounded by arrows several times. Lidia used cover and got as close as she could then I drew their attention with ranged attacks of bow and fire. The she moved in. We tried to isolate them. But they were fast and she was soon in trouble. So I charged in and took out a couple of them quickly, but was hit again with an arrow, this time in my upper left shoulder. I fired him and sought cover to dress the wound and Lidia took him out as he focused on me. The rest scattered and we hunted them down one by one.

But it was not his ghost we found, but witches. Witches! I thought these were extinct. Practitioners of the ancient dark art of bound magic. Witches tend to be people with a small amount of the gift, just enough to sense the source but unable to touch it. But there is an ancient forbidden knowledge that allows such to bind the spirits of the fallen from the realm beyond and use them as a conduit for manifestation of the source. Their power is directly proportional to the power of the bound spirit, and these had bound Hargraves, a common target for witches in the past according to legend. In all the years of my life, as mage and Archmage and scholar, I have not heard of any practicing witches. But here they were. And I do not think they were Forsworn, though the Forsworn are very close in their myths and religions to worship of the wild.

I was not far into the hall when I heard the word calling to me. There was a word wall here. I proceeded slowly, for in the past such walls have been dangerous places. The witches were dangerous and difficult. But not impossible to deal with.
Passing through the halls to a high door that opened onto the side of the mountain I discovered the word all. The word was a word of power over time itself. There was also an altar there with a sacrificed witch laying on it. I wonder what evil rites they were doing. Where they trying to unlock the power of the word within the wall?
Lidia and I returned home to rest as we were both wounded.
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