Saturday, December 8, 2012

In the West

Headed west for Karthwasten.  Hear it is a village in the far western foothills.  Delivering a sword to an Orc forgemaster's daughter as promised.  Excuse for visiting the region as I haven't been there berore.    Passing by "Meeko's Shack" I peeked in, the dog is there and seems happy. Happier than with us at the estate I guess.  Missing his master I suppose.  I did find another one of those circle mounds near his home.  They are all over.

The path was obstructed by a fort filled with highwaymen that I had to deal with.  They had been hitting caravans in the area, and from a diary by the captain, been making a bit of coin.  I liberated a good portion of it, including his stash on a small island.  I passed into the village of Karthwasten and gave the sword to the Orc.  The mayor there shared with me that the town's mine was being occupied by hired swords who were sent by a local banking guild to deal with Forsworn in the area, but now they would not surrender it.  He believes the guild is trying to steal their land.  I told him I would talk to their leader and see what I could do.  All muscle and no brain, but smart enough to not tangle with me.  I went in expecting there could be a fight, but in the end they ran with tales tucked between their legs at the least bit of armed resistance.  Though I must admit, Glamdring coupled with my new Arcane Mage Armour probably is discouraging to most.

Coming back down to town I could not help but notice the dragon ruins on the mountain above the village.  There was a lower burial vault home to 3 outlaws who were not intimidated by my arms. Up the hill was a camp filled with Forsworn.  The battle was hot and heavy and not certain. But the dynamic changed when a dragon showed up and began to attack.  I withdrew and let them fight it out.  Then when the animal was weaker I attacked with ranged shots of lightening and it retreated. This is the first time I've seen a dragon run.  Some Forsworn remained, but not enough that I could not deal with them. 

Passing through the ruins I couldn't see anything of great substance. Coming out on top of a tower and looking across the flat ridgeline I could see another tower in the distance and what looked like could be a tomb.  I made for the tomb to discover this was the burial place of "Red Eagle".  Red eagle is a huge mythic hero in these parts and I thought worth taking a look into his resting place.  I had taken a unique sword from one of the outlaws below, and it turned out this sword, inserted into a slot in a pedastal, opened the door to his tomb.  And Red Eagle was awake, his ghost a Draguir, whatever force at work in the north impacting him as well.  But he is awake no more.

In a chest near the resting place I found an amazing piece of light armour made out of dragon scales.  It was obviously very old, but yet supple and strong.  This will make a fine gift for one of my friends, as I prefer heavy armor. 

I traveled back east passing into Morthal only to find that I needed to remain a few days as I had come down with something.  A local healing woman creatively said I had "brain rot".  Maybe she was right, but I had the most horrendous headache and could hardly touch the source for it. 

After a few days I felt better and headed on eastward to the tomb of Jurgen to retrieve the horn for the old graybeards atop Mt. Hrothgar.  There was a Necromancer there with two body guards.  I was not sure why they were there, but I had not trouble enforcing the law of the Codex of Mages.  The place felt familiar.  I think I've been here before.  Indeed there are bodies of bandits here that I think I had a run in with the last time.  But passing deeper I heard a live voice in a battle with a Draguir who was able to use a corrupted form of the word.  There were two of them and they killed the mage who the human voice had belonged to.  I killed the Draguir. 

I had not been into the depths of this place though, having missed a passage in the past.  Deep down I discovered a word wall with a very creative gift: the for a short time to become pure spirit and leave the material plane.  But a very short time. 

But the horn lay safely locked behind three gates that would only open if you stood about 15 lengths before them.  But they would close by the time you were upon them.  Then I remembered the word for speed taught to me by the monks.  Suddenly it began to make sense, why that word, why this test. And it worked.  The word carried me through the gates with no issue.  I passed through the passageways and there was no major threat.  Coming into a large hall it was obvious this was the resting place of the horn, indeed columns with dragon heads rose upon my arrival, and I expected to be dealing with some dread horror any moment.  But dread horror did not arise, only great surprise.  No horn was there, only a note to come to Riverwood to the Inn and ask for the attic room.

What was this about?  I wasn't about to just go blundering into Riverwood not knowing what was coming.  So I resolved to head to the estate via the pass over the Hjallmark mountains to take some allies with me.  Near the Dagon Temple I sensed the presence of demonic forces and reasoned the wards must have weakened. Sure enough. Two Dremora were outside and another and his priest inside.  And they were strong, but not strong enough. 

I came down to the estate bearing gifts.  Dragon armor for Onmund and a complete set of glass armor (courtesy of some outlaws) for Faen the next time I see him.

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