Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Stubborn can get you killed in Skryim.  Exploring a tomb off the road on the east side of the Throat when I met up with a Nord named Golldir.  He claimed a Necromacing mage was messing with his relatives. I tried to get him to remain behind, but he refused.  His aunt had already gone inside.  Her body was not hard to find.  The placed was filled with walking dead and supposedly a Dunmar Necromage, which I could believe.  Golldir got himself killed before we were half way down the passage ways.  At one point I was swarmed in mass and had to retreat to save my own life. 

Coming into the main chamber I came face to face with Vals Veran, a Dark Elf mage I knew by reputation only.  I was forced to retreat several times in my confrontation with him, but as I am writing this, it is obvious that I came out on the winning end. 

After clearing the chambers I headed to Whiterun.  It was the 2nd of Last Seed and summer would soon be over, such as it was.  I did some trading then went home to the Pale.  I caught 3 bandits sneaking up on the place in the twilight of the day and dispatched them.

I was welcomed by our newest resident, miss Sofie, the little orphan girl from Windhelm.  Her carriage had made good time.  She has settled in upstairs. 

I made a mention that with all the folks in the lodge I was wishing for a small place to get away too and wish something was available in Riverwood. He said he thought he knew of a small hunter's cabin that might be available.  The next morning we went up that way to see.  We were jumped by a powerful dragon outside of town which settled itself into Riverrun during the battle where it died on the banks of the White River.  The cabin itself is small and simple but homey and quiet. 

But I was thinking more and more about Thalmor.  Faen told me we should just head to Solitude and look into it ourselves.  I thought this might be worth the time so we traveled up to Dawnstar and grabbed the weekly trading ship for Solitude.  But Solitude is the seat of Imperial power in the north.  I thought to myself that I would need a cover.  And what better cover than to utilize the favor I had been asked to deliver a manuscript to the Bard's college. I have a passable voice and enjoy writing, so thought to seek entry into the Bard's College as cover for my stay there. 

We stabled the horses and secured our heavy weapons, especially the Blades sword and Glamdring, which would be too easily identifiable, and made our way into town.  But I had not brought other clothing and so showing up in heavy armor with an Alkamari blade did not make us look especially "bardish".  So the request to join the college was met with a bit of skepticism, but the fact that I arrived carrying a manuscript helped convince them of my interest in the art.  And so they tasked me with recovering a bit of verse known as "King Olaf's Verse".  Seems the current Jarl, the wife of the slain high king, has forbidden an ancient Bardic ritual, and they hope that this verse if recovered might change her mind. 

The tomb was not terribly far, laying to the south of Solitude.  I left Faen to guard the entrace and just inside spotted what could only be the ghost of a bard.  It lead me deeper into the tomb and something was obviously at work here as well given the number of walking dead I had to deal with.  I got the hint that a Dragon Priest might be here with the presence of a mural that I've seen other tombs  belonging to them. 

The ghost first lead me to a copy of Olaf's manuscript, or what was left of it.  Then it lead me to a door sealed with magic, but it opened the door.  The passage opened into a huge chamber of many chairs, each occupied by a dead body.  The ghost called out for the ghost of King Olaf claiming time for vengenance, and the dead awoke.  But this ghost was deadly.  I had very few of them I had to deal with.  And the ghost iself engaged the spirit of Olaf and with my hitting it with electricty from a distance, I'll credit the ghost with its demise.  This was the strangest battle I've been in. 

There was indeed a word wall present, but no body of a Dragon Lord, though it is possible that Olaf himself may have been one in some small fashion.  For it is myth that Olaf captured the powerful dragon Numenex and imprisioned him in Dragon's Reach in Whiterun.  But I remember reading somewhere that Olaf likely found the dragon asleep.

Back at the Bard's College I was asked to help fill in the missing details of the song, which given my previous knowledge of how Olaf really had captured the dragon and my observation that he had some power with the voice, I filled in the story of Olaf not hero but a tyrannt of treachery.  I was then asked to accompany the bard to Court to recite the song, and Jarl liked it and agreed to the festival.  I was credited as its author and my cover identity was established. 

I met two mages at court, but did not reveal my true office.  Maloran is nothing but a well paid body guard for the Jarl.  Sybille is the court wizard and I could sense strong in destruction magic.  I spoke with her on the pretext of needing content for my songs.  She was there when King Torygg was killed.  He was shouted to death by Ulfric.  The Jarl joined the conversation saying that when Ulfric gave voice to the horrible words her husband just "ceased to be".  Somehow the topic changed to a problem with vampires.  To secure the trust of the court, I offered to deal with them.  This offer was received gratefully and even before I left freed up toungues a bit.  It seems the new Jarl, young, is propped into power by the Imperial General Tullius who is trusted because there is little choice otherwise.  She does not have the support yet, but hopes to, of the other Jarl's to claim the high throne.  And of course Ulfric himself styles himself as the high king to be. 

I must confess that at first, because of the Imperial corruption, its treatment of me, its alliance with the Thalmor, I had been sympathetic to Ulfric.  But Ulfric is a narrow minded Nord racist.  And he took the knowledge of the word that had been taught him for spiritual purposes and used it to kill a man who was the legitimate high king.  And this young woman, at least now, seems to have a noble heart.  If she could be freed of Imperial influence and the Thalmor expelled, I think she would be good for the people of the north.  This civil war is a mess.

That night the bards held their festival.  I was publicly inducted into the college. 

The next day Faen and I traveled out to deal with the vampires.  I hate vampires.  Got ourselves into the middle of a battle in Dragon Bridge against an Elder Dragon. Huge mean beast.  I found myself running several times as the sting of my lightening frayed its hide and it swooped down upon me.  The battle was not without casualties, several Imperial soldiers were killed. 

There turned out to be only 3 vampires in the nest.  None were that difficult to dipatch.

Returning to Court I overheard conversation about problems in a place called Wolfskill.  My ears perked up at the word "necromancy".  Seem the place has a history or legend of being associated with the art from 500 years ago, but people have not forgotten and won't go near.  But folks have seen activity there.  I offered to look into this, easy way to gain trust, and good cover because of there are Necromages there I intend to enforce the Codex. 

On the road up heading north toward the coast, I was attacked by an unarmed Orc of all things, but he was mad with rage.  Don't know what his problem was, but he wouldn't respond and we had to kill him to preserve our safety. 

Into the cave I quickly discovered a vast cavern home to a sprawling fortress and oh boy... more than I bargained for.  The place quivered with energy.  It almost felt like the Orb of Magnus had rematerialized.  The power vibrated into my very bone. Faen paled.  I had him remain near the top and ventured in.  Someone was raising something, a dragon lord perhaps. 

Powerful walking dead tried to hinder me.  Twice I was forced to retreat at risk of my own life.  But finally I put down down these wrestless spirits and saw the flow of power for myself.  And I heard the words of evil and vile incantations calling forth a spirit named Potema. 

I stopped the ritual before completion.  The Necromages are no more.  This is why I wrote the Codex.  This evil and this danger for the pure lust of power must be purged. 

I returned to the Blue Palace and I gave my report.  It caused great concern and a measure of appreciation and respect. Almost I revealed my office, but something about the court mage puts me off, so I held my tounge. 

Faen and I that evening entered the Thalmor HQ.  No one was there.  But several books present indicated they have a history of sticking their nose into politics of foreign land and their holier than thou attitudes are really just a mask for power and tyranny. 

I had found all I thought I could find, so Faen and I took off back south east, stopping in Whiterun to do a bit of trading then back to the Pale. 

We arrived in the afternoon and behold Sofie was outside playing and a giant was sneaking up on the place.  I called my entire small band out and quickly slew it before it could harm the girl.  She had been clueless of danger. 

 After the battle we found her upstairs in her bedchamber.  I had a strong discussion with my warriors about keeping an eye on a certain little girl in my absence.

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