They have asked me to accompany Farkas on a journey to recover shards of an ancient blade that according to legend comes from the homeland of the ancient elves and was used by the founder of the original companions to finish off the elves in these northern lands. I skoffed at this, but was told to check with the master of the Sky Forge as he had elven blades passed down in his family line. He does.
He has several long swords including one evil dark looking sword and the remnant of what looks like a great ancient weapon. But the most beautiful was a long slim elegent blade. Clearly ancient but alive and sharp as a razor. Engraved near the hilt were letters in a long dead language. He did not know it, but I remember studying this ancient elvish language in my days as a novice at the Citadel. While I do not know what the word means, the sword would appear to be named Glamdring.

I decided to join Farkas on his journey. These elvish blades may be worth looking into. I have also discovered the mage in the local rulers hall has an enchanting device. So I made us of this to enchant a few blades, but Glamdring I leave virgin.
Faen would not join us. He return to Riverwood. Farkas left a day or so before myself as I had matters to attend to in town securing my home for an extended absence. It was pouring the rain as I left once again into the countryside. What lies ahead? And who will this Farkas come to be?
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